5 Ways To Engage Visitor With Your Blog And Compel Them To Visit Again

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Today, I want to give you easy techniques that can help increase interaction on your site. I am personally implementing these on my blog. Every bloggers want their site engaged and popular but some of them get succeed. This is not because that they don't know how to blog. But, they don't know how to interact visitors with your blog and also compel them to visit again. So, here are the some strategies that I personally use and you should try these.

Update Your Blog Regularly

First, you should update your blog regularly and tell your visitors and readers that you are serious about your business. So, they will be interested in you and your site. 

This does not mean that you should update daily. I mean, you should publish content with an even frequency. This is where most bloggers(including me)  fail and loose their readers.

Respond to Comments Quickly

First, the more you make yourself available to your audience, the more readers you will get. This will help with the overall experience a reader has with your site. Responding to comments quickly can help clarify any points that are unclear in your original post. And, you can present yourself before your readers as a friends.

Reward Reader Comments

One of the easiest ways to reward comments on your website is by putting in the effort to respond to every comment.  But, there are other ways to reward comments.

First, consider having a top commenter section somewhere on your website (most likely in the sidebar). This essentially make being the top commenter a game, and rewards the top commenter with ranks. Second, you may consider a plugin such as Comment Luv that will reward commenter with a link back to their latest post.

You can also reward your readers by giving something extra. I mean featuring the winner(most commented reader) on your blog or you can add a banner of their site in your blog.

Use Interactive and Attracting Elements

Some day I spent at least 3 minutes on a website playing with a graphic that moved with my mouse. Literally, 3 minutes on just 1 image. Putting interactive elements on your website, such as videos, slides, and polls will give your readers something more to do than just read.

Link to new content in old, indexed posts

Content does not get indexed right away. A side effect of this is that your older articles will receive more traffic (usually) than your fresh content. But, since your blog covers one topic over a period of time, some of your new articles may help to drive home points in your old articles. Go ahead and link the old articles to the new ones.

This will provide readers up-to-date and relevant information on your website. Not only this, but you can reduce bounce rate also. You can also get help by adding related post widget to your blog.

These are just a few of the many methods you can use to increase interaction on your website. The biggest takeaways here are to make your website fun and to be personable. If you keep your readers entertained and appear to be human, you should be good to go.


  1. Nice post buddy recently i have written something like that in my blog. Any ways It is worth reading article and will help a lot.


  2. Really, Nice Article Abhishek. It's Really Great And I Like It A Lot. Thanks A Lot For Sharing It With Us.

    1. Thanks Bishal for commenting. Keep Visiting And Keep Blogging!!!

  3. Nice article buddy keep is up.


    1. Hey Deep, I think you liked this post so much that you have commented twice. By the way thanks for your comments. I really appreciate your feedback. Keep Visiting.

  4. Thanks brother, keep visiting and commenting.

  5. Hi Abhishek ,

    Thanks for sharing these tips. I think to engage readers most important thing is your content. Encourging them to involve by commenting and then replying them.

    1. Thanks Shorya for your suggestion. As all we know, content is king. And yes, replying to every comment is most important. Thanks again for commenting.

  6. Hi Abhishek...

    First of all nice post on engagement of visitors. I really appreciate the things you mentioned here. Really after following them it is sure that we are gonna to succeed.

    Atul Kumar Pandey

    1. First of all, thanks Atul for visiting my blog. Yes, you can interact visitor with your blog through tactics. Keep Visiting bro. Happy Blogging!!!

  7. Thanks for this :) nice post

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