Why Should You Make Google Keyword Research

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Google Adword Keyword Tool
As you probably know most people rely on search engines when they need to find any kind of information these days. That is why keyword research is so important, because it allows you to understand what your target visitors and customers are looking for, how they are searching for it, and how frequently they are doing so.

Here is a practical example to help you understand the concept. Suppose you just a wrote a post on your blog titled "20 Funny Images of Babies." What if you changed the title to "20 Funny Pictures of Babies," however? From the user's point of view, both titles are too similar to distinguish, and should not really make that much of a difference. However, if you pick the second title mentioned, you'll have a much higher chance of receiving traffic from search engines, because the term "funny pictures" is almost 40 times more searched on than the term "funny images."

How do we know that, however? It is simple, we used an online keyword research tool. There are some paid tools available on the market, but we don't recommend that you spend money on them. The best and most reliable keyword research tool is a free one, and it is provided by Google itself. It is called Google AdWords Keyword Tool, and you can access it here:


Whenever you input a keyword there, the tool will tell you how many people search for that keyword every month (along with some other data, like the amount of advertising competition for the keyword). It is very exciting when you find keywords that get hundreds of thousands of searches every month, but that is exactly what leads online marketers to the mistake we mentioned earlier. The mistake is to assume that you should always target the keyword with the highest number of searches.

Why is that a bad idea? Because the number of searches a keyword gets only tells you half of the story. The other half is how many webmasters are competing to get traffic from that keyword. In other words, you need to evaluate both the traffic potential and the competition for each keyword. If you only target the high traffic keywords, you'll probably have a hard time getting any traffic, because your posts or websites will not rank well for these keyword. If you pick keywords with lower traffic and lower competition, on the other hand, you will not get a stellar traffic, but at least you'll get some traffic.

In the example we used above, therefore, you would also need to analyze the competition for both "funny images" and "funny pictures" before choosing which one you should target. If you believe your site is strong enough to rank for "funny pictures", go for it. If you are not sure, perhaps it would be wiser to go with the less searched "funny images".

The bottom line is: target keywords you are sure you can rank for, and gradually make your way up to the competitive ones. If do this the other way around you'll get frustrated and end up wasting a lot of time.


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